Part3D Privacy Policy
Our privacy policy is simple: we don't collect any personal data from you.
We don't track you, we don't store your data, and we don't share your data with anyone.
We only use Google Analytics to track how many people visit our website, on the app, we don't use any analytics and we don't use any third-party services that might track you.
We don't even have a server to store your data on.
We don't have any way to access your data, because we don't collect it in the first place.
Error logging
We use Sentry to help us identify and fix problems with our application. When an error occurs, Sentry may collect certain information about your device, browser, and the error itself.
This may include:
- Device type and settings
- Browser information
- IP address
- Crash reports
- Stack traces
This information is used solely for the purpose of diagnosing and resolving technical issues. We do not use this data for any other purpose, and it is retained only for as long as necessary to address the relevant errors. Sentry 's data collection and processing practices are subject to their own privacy policy, which you can review at the following URL: